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SAE 5W-30 Signature Series 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (ASL)

 SAE 5W-30 Signature Series 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (ASL)
Product Code: ASL • Brand: AMSOIL

The Top Tier of AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil. AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil delivers extraordinary lubrication in all types of automotive gasoline engines. Engineered for enthusiasts seeking maximum protection and performance. Precision-formulated with cutting-edge technology and a longstanding devotion to making the world's best motor oil. The result: engine protection that blows the doors off the highest industry standards.

• 50% more cleaning power vs. AMSOIL OE Motor Oil
• Ideal for turbos & direct injection
• Guaranteed protection for up to 25,000 miles or 1 year

Package sizes include:

Quart Bottle
Gallon Bottle
30-Gallon Drum
55-Gallon Drum

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Product Details

Product Applications

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is excellent for use in all types of gasoline-fueled vehicles. It is recommended for all domestic and foreign vehicles requiring any of the listed performance specifications:

Product Application Specs

• API SP (Resource Conserving), SN PLUS, SN
• ACEA A5/B5, A1/B1
• Honda HTO-06
• Ford WSS-M2C946-B1, WSS-M2C946-A, WSS-M2C929-A
• Chrysler MS-6395
• ILSAC GF-6A, GF-5, GF-4
• GM dexos1™ Gen 2 (supersedes LL-A-025, 6094M and 4718M): Fortified with detergents that exceed dexos1™ Gen 2 sulfated ash specifications.

Product Description

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil delivers extraordinary lubrication in all types of automotive gasoline engines. By combining industry-premier synthetic technology with AMSOIL premium additives, Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil exceeds the higher performance demands of modern engines. It withstands the stress of higher horsepower, higher heat and complicated emissions control systems. Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is engineered to outperform competitive conventional and synthetic motor oils. It delivers long-lasting performance and protection.

AMSOIL, the leader in automotive synthetic lubrication, produced the World's first API-qualified synthetic motor oil in 1972. Trust the extensive experience of AMSOIL, the First in Synthetics®, to do the best job protecting your engine.

Protects Against Engine Wear

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil develops a strong fluid film that keeps metal surfaces separated while its robust anti-wear additives further reduce wear in metal-to-metal contact regions for maximum engine life. The Sequence IVA Engine Test, which must be passed to meet the industry-standard API SN specification, simulates extended periods of stop-and-go driving.

For 100 hours, the test engine cycles between 50 minutes of idling and 10 minutes of elevated rpm - conditions that encourage engine wear. The camshaft is then measured for wear in 84 locations and an average score is determined. We used Signature Series 0W-20, the lightest viscosity in the line, to further increase the severity of the test. AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil provided 75 percent more engine protection against horsepower loss and wear* than required by the industry standard, extending the life of vital components like pistons and cams.

Cam Lobes Wear Test - AMSOIL SS reduces cam wear
sequence IVA engine test results
*Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-20, in ASTM D6891 as required by the API SN specification.

Protects Pistons from Low-Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI)

We armed Signature Series with an advanced detergent system that protects against harmful deposits and low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI). Most new engines feature gasoline direct injection (GDI), often combined with a turbocharger to boost power and improve fuel economy. These new technologies, when combined with a poorly formulated motor oil, promote LSPI and threaten engine operation. LSPI is the spontaneous ignition of the fuel/air mixture prior to spark-triggered ignition. It occurs in today's advanced engines and is much more destructive than typical pre-ignition.

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) like GM* have addressed the issue by designing tests to determine a motor oil's ability to prevent LSPI. The GM test allows up to five LSPI events to receive a passing score. Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil provided 100 percent protection against LSPI* - zero occurrences were recorded.

LSPI piston damage when competitors motor oil is used

Protects Turbochargers

Our unique synthetic formulation is inherently stable to resist oxidation and neutralize acids. Signature Series Motor Oil provides outstanding protection against deposits common to high-temperature engine environments. The tremendous heat and stress turbos create can cause some oils to break down and form harmful bearing deposits through a process known as turbo coking. Over time, turbos can suffer reduced performance or fail altogether.

We challenged Signature Series to the GM Turbo Coking Test, which consists of 2000 cycles of extreme heat soaks. An oil must limit the temperature change within the turbocharger to 13 percent or less to pass the test. Signature Series limited the temperature increase to only 3.6 percent, protecting the turbocharger 72 percent better than required* by the GM dexos1® Gen 2 specification.

amsoil turbo bearing shaft protection

Extends Drains: Protection Guaranteed

AMSOIL Signature Series 25,000 miles drain interval technologyAMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil provides reserve protection, allowing you to go longer between oil changes if you choose up to 25,000 miles, 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first*. Our unique synthetic formulation and long-drain additive system are inherently stable to resist oxidation and neutralize acids over longer periods. Signature Series is designed to deliver outstanding engine protection, cleanliness and performance over extended drain intervals - guaranteed. It provides peace of mind so you can fit oil changes into your schedule.

Oil Filter:

Any brand of oil filter may be used with Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil. For maximum convenience, however, use an AMSOIL Ea® Oil Filter. Made of fully synthetic media with greater filtering efficiency and dirt-holding capacity than conventional filters, Ea Oil Filters are recommended for 25,000 miles/12 months or 15,000 miles/12 months, depending on application, which coincides with Signature Series' once-a-year drain interval. While Signature Series' 12-month service life remains intact if a non-Ea Oil Filter is used, the filter must be changed according to its manufacturer's recommendations.

Trusted by Professional Engine Builders

Engine Masters ChallengeDedicated engine builders and mechanics put in long hours honing their craft. These architects of powerful, high-performance engines turn to Signature Series to protect their passion.

"When we use AMSOIL, I don't worry about a film breakdown or an oil breakdown - and the oil pressure is always consistent. We've tested oils back-to-back on the dyno in our shop and we're always able to make more power with AMSOIL."

-Brett Bowers, Engine Masters Competitor and Professional Engine Builder

Maximum Cleaning Power to Battle Sludge

AMSOIL Signature Series offers Maximum Cleaning Power to Battle SludgeAMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil has 50 percent more detergents* to help keep oil passages clean and promote oil circulation.

Engine failures due to sludge are often caused by a plugged oil pick-up tube screen - the motor is effectively starved of oil. The Sequence VG Engine Test measures an oil's ability to prevent sludge. During the test, a Ford 4.6L engine is subjected to sludge-inducing conditions for 216 hours. The industry standard allows for 10 percent blockage before the motor oil fails the test. Signature Series produced a screen virtually free from sludge (see image). Its detergent and dispersant additives are so effective, Signature Series provides 90 percent better protection against sludge.

• *Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5w-30 motor oil, in the LSPI engine test as required for the GM dexos 1® Gen 2 specification.
• *Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the GM turbo coking test.
• *vs. AMSOIL OE Motor Oil
• *Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the ASTM D6593 engine test for oil screen plugging as required by the API SN specification.
* All trademarked names and images are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use. All products advertised here are developed by AMSOIL for use in the applications shown.

Preserves Horsepower

The extreme durability of Signature Series Motor Oil ensures your engine runs stronger, for longer. We installed Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil in a Ford* F-150 with a new 3.5L Ecoboost engine to test its ability to protect turbocharged direct-injection (TDGI) engines from torque and horsepower loss during extended drain intervals up to 25,000 miles. Power sweeps were done at the beginning and end of the test to evaluate horsepower and torque retention. As the graph shows, Signature Series helped maintain engine performance throughout the 100,000 mile test.

horsepower degradation test results

Limits Oil Consumption

Signature Series has a uniform molecular structure that limits evaporation and keeps it where it's needed most - protecting your engine. Volatility (burn-off) occurs when oil gets hot, causing lighter molecules to burn off or evaporate. This leads to oil thickening, additive imbalance, higher emissions and oil consumption. The NOACK Volatility test is the industry standard for evaluating motor oil high temperature evaporation. It measures the percentage of burn-off after a motor oil is placed under constant airflow at 482°F for 1 hour. A lower number indicates a better resistance to evaporation. Signature Series falls far below the API limit for volatility, reducing the need for frequent oil top-offs and limiting vehicle emissions.

noack volatility test results

Easier Cold-Starts

Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil does not contain paraffins (wax) and stays fluid in temperatures of -58°F and lower. Extreme cold causes other motor oils to thicken, starving vital moving parts of lubrication, accelerating wear and even preventing vehicles from starting. Signature Series provides 66 percent better cold-temperature performance for easier starting, better fuel economy, improved oil flow (as seen below) and reduced wear.

pour point test results

Maintains Protective Viscosity

We formulated Signature Series with superior thermal durability that resists breakdown better than conventional and synthetic motor oils. The Sequence IIIH Test uses the Chrysler 3.6L Pentastar engine to evaluate a motor oil's ability to resist the damaging effects of heat. The test is conducted with oil temperatures of 304°F, 100°F hotter than normal operation, to accelerate oil thickening and deposits. Despite the extreme conditions, Signature Series kept pistons clean and held thickening to only 6 percent, a minimal amount compared to the proposed specification limit of 150 percent*. This stay-in-grade performance helps maintain maximum power and fuel economy while also ensuring advanced technologies like variable valve timing (VVT) operate as designed throughout the entire drain interval.

sequence III-H test results

• *Based on proposed ILSAC GF-5 Plus specification.
*All trademarked names and images are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use. All products advertised here are developed by AMSOIL for use in the applications shown.


Normal Service: Up to 25,000 miles, 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first, in personal vehicles not operat-ing under severe service.

Severe Service: Up to 15,000 miles, 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first. Severe service conditions include commercial or fleet vehicles; excessive idling; or frequenttowing, hauling, plowing or driving in dusty conditions.
• Modified engines (non-stock), racing vehicles and vehicles using alternative fuels (E85, CNG, propane, etc.) are excluded from extended drain interval recommendations.
• Change at the vehicle manufacturer's recommended drain interval outside U.S. and Canada.
• AMSOIL Ea® Full-Flow Oil Filters are designed for extended drain intervals. Do not exceed 12,000 miles or one year with other brand filters unless longer intervals are recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Always change filter when changing oil.
• Check oil regularly to maintain proper fill levels.

AMSOIL Ea Full-Flow Oil Filters stop smaller particles, flow more oil and last longer than regular filters. For best performance, use AMSOIL Ea Full-Flow Oil Filters.


AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is compatiblewith other conventional and synthetic motor oils. Mixing other oils with AMSOIL motor oils, however, will shorten the oil's life expectancy and reduce its performance benefits. AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where oils have been mixed.

Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use with AMSOIL synthetic motor oils.


This product is not expected to cause health concerns when used for the intended application and according to the recommendations in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Click here to view the MSDS Data Sheet for AMSOIL ASL.

Keep out of the reach of children. Don't pollute. Return used oil to collection centers.

Technical Data

Signature Series 100% Synthetic 5W-30 Motor Oil (ASL)
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)10.3
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)59.7
Viscosity Index (ASTM D-2270)162
CCS Viscosity, cP @ (°C) (ASTM D-5293)3968 (-30)
Flash Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-92)220 (428)
Fire Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-92)244 (471)
Pour Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-97)-50 (-58)
NOACK Volatility, % weight loss (g/100g) (ASTM D-5800)6.7
High Temperature/High Shear Viscosity
@ 150°C, 1.0 X 106 s.-1), cP (ASTM D-5481)
Total Base Number (ASTM D-2896)12.5

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 SAE 5W-30 Signature Series 100% Synthetic
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Product Name: Signature Series Motor Oils
Current Rating: 4.96 out of 5 stars
Votes & Reviews: 1012 vote(s) and 1476 user reviews.

Reviewed by Steve Siwatek : space

Best of the Best

Been using Amsoil signature series for my and my brother's cars and motorcycles. NOTHING COMES CLOSE,.. not even Royal Purple is half as good... Maybe Mobil 1 Full Synthetic is the next best thing, but still far from Amsoil.
I also been using AMSOIL for Transmission fluid changes and the Transmission never needs a change of fluid ever again, and right away works a million times better.
With the Engine Signature Series AMSOIL, you can right away hear the engine sounds so much quieter, it's hard to believe.
I also used AMSOIL for my Racing superbikes and Race cars. All I can say is thanks to AMSOIL I don't have to rebuild the engines and if I do, it's not very often... and they last for years of racing. It's a miracle oil and I'm super lucky I have found it so many years ago. It has saved me many of thousands of dollars.

Item Reviewed: SAE 5W-30 Signature Series 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (ASL)
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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Tanisha: space

I won't buy anything else

I've been using Amsoil Signature series for over a year now. Won't use anything else in my vehicles!

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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Theodore: space

I will buy again.

Great product, worth the cost.

Item Reviewed: Signature Series Motor Oils
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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Steven: space

Worth the money!

Great product! I use and highly recommend the signature series in my daily and my fun car! Noticeable improvement on acceleration and much cleaner and quieter engine operation!

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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Robert: space

Motor oil.

Very pleased

Item Reviewed: Signature Series Motor Oils
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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed
product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Ken: space

I have used email for the last 10 years.

Just what my Shelby GT350 needed.😁

Item Reviewed: Signature Series Motor Oils
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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Larry: space

I will continue buying this oil.

I use this oil in a turbo BMW as it is called for this weight. Since I like other weight oils from Amzoil, I use this in the BMW.

Item Reviewed: Signature Series Motor Oils
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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Matthew: space

I use even oil change.

Used in my 2007 Ford F-150 with 220,000 miles.

Item Reviewed: Signature Series Motor Oils
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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Howard: space

Amsoil keeps your vehicles going and going.

I have been using this this in all my vehicles since 1992. In my new cars I change to Amsoil at the first oil change. when I retired from Work Jan 2012 I was driving a Dodge Neon, 4 cyl standard shift. I drove 98 miles round trip every time I went to work. Used this Amaoil and also put Amsoil in the manual transmission. I had 160,00 miles on it when he flew to Fla from Pa to pick it up. He is still driving it. Drives up the Pa turnpike every day. He turned over 300,000 miles on it about 5 months ago. Still has the original clutch.

Item Reviewed: Signature Series Motor Oils
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A Verified Buyer is an individual who has purchased the reviewed product and submitted their review through a specific process that tracks purchase history.Reviewed by Eric: space

Amazing oil

Great stuff!! The fact that I can pair this and an Ea filter to go to 15k every change is awesome. I would and do recommend this to friends and family for its outstanding performace and reliability.

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