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AMSOIL has a documented history of leadership and innovation:
• First to develop an API-rated 100% synthetic motor oil (1972).• First to introduce the concept of "extended drain intervals" with a recommended 25,000-mile or 1-year drain interval
(1972).• First U.S. company to utilize the NOACK volatility test as a standard of performance.• First to produce synthetic motor oils for diesel engines, racing, turbo and marine engines.• First to introduce synthetic oils that legitimately contribute to improving fuel efficiency.• First to manufacture synthetic gear lube for automotive use.• First to manufacture a 100:1 pre-mix synthetic 2-cycle oil.• First to manufacture a synthetic automatic transmission fluid (ATF) for automotive use.• First to introduce "nanotechnology" in filtration for auto/light trucks.• First to introduce full synthetic media in a diesel cartridge filter.
"Our company makes the best lubricants in the World., and challenges anyone or any company to prove us wrong! That won't happen because our competitors know it's true."
AMSOIL founder A.J. Amatuzio coined the phrase "extended drain intervals" back in 1972 with the introduction of AMSOIL 10W-40 Synthetic Motor Oil, formulated for 25,000-mile/one-year drain intervals. Not only was AMSOIL motor oil the first synthetic oil to pass American Petroleum Institute (API) service
requirements, AMSOIL INC. was the only motor oil company promoting oil drains beyond 3,000 miles.
Today, motorists are still bombarded with propaganda from the major oil companies promoting 3,000-mile oil changes. However, the industry is slowly but surely coming around. Vehicle manufacturers typically suggest 5,000- to 7,500-mile intervals in their owners manuals, and many manufacturers have also started incorporating oil life monitors into their vehicles, allowing motorists to safely extend drain intervals by monitoring oil life and alerting drivers when the oil needs changing. Competing oil companies have also begun marketing their own synthetics, some claiming service lives extending beyond 3,000 miles.
Lubes-n-Greases Automotive Editor David Mc Fall, once with the American Petroleum Institute recently tackled the issue of extended drain intervals in his March column, criticizing the standard 3,000-mile oil change and referring to the American motor oil market as "shackled."
Europe the average engine oil drain interval for current gasoline-fueled cars is about 10,000 miles," explains Mc Fall."In the United States, indicates the Automotive Oil Change Association, the average drain interval followed by most drivers is somewhat less than 5,000 miles one-half of Europe's.
"Every year in the United States, this too-short drain interval results in the unneeded production of 300 million to 400 million gallons of engine oil; excess consumer expenditures of around $1.5 billion; and tens of millions of unnecessary oil changes."
Not only are these unnecessary oil changes an expense to consumers, explains Mc Fall, but they have an environmental cost as well. "The added environmental cost of having an average 5,000-mile oil drain interval (instead of 10,000 miles, as in Europe) may be nearly 100 million gallons of engine oil being dumped, untreated, into the U.S. environment annually."
Call's examination of Mobil 1, Shell and AMSOIL demonstrates the differences among
companies who are shackled to the current system and one who isn't.
According to an Exxon Mobil spokesperson, "Car owners should follow the oil change intervals specified by the manufacturer. We believe it is inappropriate to recommend drain intervals that may conflict with those set forth by the car manufacturer's specifications."
"Here, in a nutshell," says Mc Fall, "is this observer's take on Exxon Mobil's and the oil industry's 'owner's manual' position: It is designed solely to increase motor oil sales." He backs it up by mentioning that Mobil 1 SuperSyn motor oil claims to meet European ACEA A5 and B5-02 specifications, two specifications intended to extend oil drain intervals. "If the oil can be used in Europe for extended drain intervals, why doesn't Exxon Mobil notify U.S. consumers of that capability?" asks Mc Fall.
Although Shell Oil Products, owner of Pennzoil-Quaker State, has broken through the shackles enough to offer an API unlicensed oil specially formulated for higher
mileage engines, they make no mention of a recommended drain interval, preferring instead to avoid the issue and keep consumers in the dark.
Mc Fall marvels at the success of the independent motor oil company that offers drain intervals up to 11 times longer than the standard interval offered by conventional oils, saying, "Purists can sniff that AMSOIL's data isn't derived from a controlled field study, but the sheer mountain of vehicle miles over three decades, and the absence of any confirmed performance, wear or maintenance issues, speaks volumes."
Mc Fall sums up his column by highlighting the true value of AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil, stating the cost may be "two to three times higher than most retail conventional oils but if you can securely count on a 15,000- to 25,000-mile drain interval, it's a flat-out bargain, not to mention providing a clear environmental bonus."
So, what is it that allows AMSOIL motor oils to be used for extended drain intervals, while other oils must be
changed significantly sooner? First, the synthetic base stocks with which AMSOIL motor oils are formulated are worlds apart in quality compared with conventional base stocks. The synthetic molecules are uniform in size and shape, resisting the vaporization that boils off the smaller molecules of conventional motor oils and leaves behind a thicker, higher viscosity oil that compromises engine protection. AMSOIL motor oils surpass even the most stringent European volatility standards, providing superior protection for extended drain intervals.
Second, AMSOIL spares no expense when it comes to additives, selecting the most robust additive packages on the market. These additives keep AMSOIL motor oils shear stable, resist the degrading effects of varnish and sludge, keep engine components clean and deposit-free and effectively resist rust, corrosion and foaming.
By using only the highest quality synthetic base stocks and additives available, AMSOIL motor oils are capable of extended drain intervals,
all while maintaining performance, providing long-term wear protection and fuel economy, keeping engines clean and deposit-free, providing cold weather starts and protecting against rust and corrosion.
For a copy of David Call's column on AMSOIL, contact Lubes-n-Greases at (703) 536-0800 or see it below in read-only PDF format.
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The following articles are presented for online viewing only.
McFALL FOLLOWS SUIT IN FOLLOW UP In December 2003 Mr. Mc Fall wrote a follow up piece addressing the ethical aspects of keeping drain intervals shortened. The current stance of the oil industry "comes at a high environmental price," he states. Read
the whole article. "Motor Oil Drain Intervals: An Ethical Burden?" (155k PDF)
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Blog Title:AMSOIL Facts & What Pro's Know About AMSOIL Current Rating:5 out of 5 stars Votes & Reviews:2 vote(s) and 1 user reviews.
Do you agree with using an oil like marvel, pre oil change?
Hello, I've been pretty faithful to an extended oil change interval. I won't say what I'm using, but will say it is widely available (said to be, synthetic) for approx $25 for 5 qts. The vehicle is a 1991 Toyota Sr5 pickupp 4x4 3VZE, in the
southwest desert. Under loads,inclines, weight, highh revs, it takes it...5spd. The motor runs Flawlessly, & I want to keep it that way, as lonnnnnnnnng as possible. So, Right now, Im going to get amsoil 10/40. But Before I chchae the oil , I wondered if amsoil Corp, would actually consider using marvel oil or a kerosene in the motor, a cpl hundred miles before, I change the oil? I have done it before, believing I've cleaned the valves, safely. But as far as fact goes, I don't know. I believe it enough to do it again, before I change to amsoil. I think I've tested the motor to the max in many scenarios, extreme cold, heat & load...& I think it's time, to give it the Best...I can't seem to part with it, due all its inequity. : )
As long as I'm here on earth, Amsoil is all this motor will ever see, & that goes for the rest of our vehicles. Thanks for being The Best, Bar None. This Little Toyota Deserves it!! 247,515.9 miles. 7/17/16 Thanks for your reply
Item Reviewed: AMSOIL Facts & What Pro's Know About AMSOIL
| Banning, California
Re: Do you agree with using an oil like marvel, pre oil change?
Thank you for the comments. We recommend the use of AMSOIL P.I fuel additive to cleanup your fuel system including intake and valves.
Additionally you can use AMSOIL Flush to clean up the internal engine components from sludge and deposits before the change over. Replied by Tech Admin
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Reviewed by Amsoil:
Do you agree with using an oil like marvel, pre oil change?
Hello, I've been pretty faithful to an extended oil change interval. I won't say what I'm using, but will say it is widely available (said to be, synthetic) for approx $25 for 5 qts. The vehicle is a 1991 Toyota Sr5 pickupp 4x4 3VZE, in the southwest desert. Under loads,inclines, weight, highh revs, it takes it...5spd.
The motor runs Flawlessly, & I want to keep it that way, as lonnnnnnnnng as possible. So, Right now, Im going to get amsoil 10/40.
But Before I chchae the oil , I wondered if amsoil Corp, would actually consider using marvel oil or a kerosene in the motor, a cpl hundred miles before, I change the oil?
I have done it before, believing I've cleaned the valves, safely. But as far as fact goes, I don't know. I believe it enough to do it again, before I change to amsoil. I think I've tested the motor to the max in many scenarios, extreme cold, heat & load...& I think it's time, to give it the Best...I can't seem to part with it, due all its inequity. : )
As long as I'm here on earth, Amsoil is all this motor will ever see, & that goes for the rest of our vehicles. Thanks for being The Best, Bar None. This Little Toyota Deserves it!! 247,515.9 miles. 7/17/16
Thanks for your reply