Three Star Auto Care- Independent AMSOIL Retail Store
Phone: 416-742-2338
1137 Barmac Dr North York, Ontario M9L 1X4 - CA
About Retailer:
Three Star Auto Care carries an extensive range of AMSOIL products including fuel additives, gear oils, atf's, diesel & gasoline motor oils. Call Easan at 416-742-2338 for availability and or to place an order.
Latitude: 43.7670021 N, Longitude: -79.5543060 W
Retailer Rating & Review Section
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Blog Title:AMSOIL Retailer: Three Star Auto Care in North York, Ontario Current Rating:5 out of 5 stars Votes & Reviews:2 vote(s) and 1 user reviews.
I went to buy some amsoil motor oil to install it at my other mechanic. But I realized Easan was better equipped and knowledgeable about vehicle maintenance. I ended up getting a motor oil and transmission oil change at this shop. I will go back to Easan for any other mechanical related issues. Very satisfied with the service and price.
Item Reviewed: AMSOIL Retailer: Three Star Auto Care in North York, Ontario
| Toronto, On
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Canada Ships from Canada. Prices in CA dollars. United States Ships from USA. Prices in US dollars.
Reviewed by James Mar:
Fantastic shop
I went to buy some amsoil motor oil to install it at my other mechanic. But I realized Easan was better equipped and knowledgeable about vehicle maintenance. I ended up getting a motor oil and transmission oil change at this shop. I will go back to Easan for any other mechanical related issues. Very satisfied with the service and price.