Freddys Marine Services- Independent AMSOIL Retail Store
Phone: 613-395-2942
431 Rosebush Rd Frankford, Ontario K0K 2C0 - CA
About Retailer:
Freddys Marine Services carries wide range of AMSOIL products for personal marine water crafts like AMSOIL Synthetic SABER Outboard 2-Cycle, Quick Shot Fuel treatment & stabilizer and 0W40 4-Stroke Oils. Call for availability or to place an order.
Latitude: 44.2696114 N, Longitude: -77.5922928 W
Retailer Rating & Review Section
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Blog Title:AMSOIL Retailer: Freddys Marine Services in Frankford, Ontario Current Rating:5 out of 5 stars Votes & Reviews:4 vote(s) and 1 user reviews.
Freddy's Marine always has lots of Amsoil products in stock and great prices. I have been running Amsoil since 1979 in high performance snowmobiles, boats and vehicles. As well as all my yard machinery and chainsaws. I know the difference in protection that Amsoil provides and would never consider changing to another product. Freddy's is a small town marina with all the latest diagnostic equipment. For great personal marine service and all my Amsoil needs I go to Freddy's. - Doug
Item Reviewed: AMSOIL Retailer: Freddys Marine Services in Frankford, Ontario
| Quinte West, Ontario
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Canada Ships from Canada. Prices in CA dollars. United States Ships from USA. Prices in US dollars.
Reviewed by Doug Johnstone:
High Performance Boater
Freddy's Marine always has lots of Amsoil products in stock and great prices. I have been running Amsoil since 1979 in high performance snowmobiles, boats and vehicles. As well as all my yard machinery and chainsaws. I know the difference in protection that Amsoil provides and would never consider changing to another product. Freddy's is a small town marina with all the latest diagnostic equipment. For great personal marine service and all my Amsoil needs I go to Freddy's. - Doug