They have looked after our vehicles for years and they know them. They have fair prices and make good suggestions. They only service what is necessary and look to save us money.They go out of their way to be helpful i.e. suggesting a wrecker where I could get good winter rims.At the end of the day....I trust them. I recommend
them unreservedly.
Item Reviewed: AMSOIL Retailer: Duncan's Auto Service in Bobcaygeon, Ontario
| Markham, Ontario
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Reviewed by Bob and Diedra Fenton:
Great Service
They have looked after our vehicles for years and they know them. They have fair prices and make good suggestions. They only service what is necessary and look to save us money.They go out of their way to be helpful i.e. suggesting a wrecker where I could get good winter rims.At the end of the day....I trust them. I recommend them unreservedly.