Performance Envy Automotive &powersports- Independent AMSOIL Retail Store
Phone: 905-337-9968
2235 Royal Windsor Dr Oakville, Ontario L6J 7X8 - CA
Latitude: 43.4879036 N, Longitude: -79.6542892 W
Retailer Rating & Review Section
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Blog Title:AMSOIL Retailer: Performance Envy Automotive &powersports in Oakville, Ontario Current Rating:4.83 out of 5 stars Votes & Reviews:3 vote(s) and 1 user reviews.
Its a pleasure to have a super young mechanic take the plunge mechanic and open his own garage here in Oakville! Charles has looked after my cars for several years, I am very satisfied and I wish him success with his own shop! Hey, he also specializes in diesel engines and ATVs
and Snowmobiles.
Reviewed by Fritz Stoeckler:
Local business owner
Its a pleasure to have a super young mechanic take the plunge mechanic and open his own garage here in Oakville! Charles has looked after my cars for several years, I am very satisfied and I wish him success with his own shop! Hey, he also specializes in diesel engines and ATVs and Snowmobiles.