Here are the Facts with Scientific Proof Each of these test values determines your vehicle performance, fuel efficiency, smooth and trouble free operation for extended periods of time. AMSOIL goes HEAD-TO-HEAD with the big boys on a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD and makes a fair comparison showing the differences between AMSOIL's synthetic oil compared to Castrol and Mobil One's synthetic motor oil, as well as Valvoline, Pennzoil and others that you may be using now! Just one of these test result is enough to convince a critic the importance of using Amsoil. Up to 1 year or 35,000 Km drain interval saves you money, while your engine performs brilliantly year after year! | |
Note: All Tests are Performed by Independent ASTM Lab | |
The Four Ball Wear Test determines the wear protection properties of a lubricant. Three metal balls are clamped together and covered with the test lubricant, while a rotating fourth ball is pressed against them in sliding contact. This contact typically produces a wear scar, which is measured and recorded. The smaller the average wear scar, the better the wear protection provided by
the lubricant. As shown in the graph, AMSOIL Synthetic 0W-30 Motor Oil produced the smallest wear scar of the tested lubricants. | |
"There Are Only Two Types of People Who Don't Use AMSOIL" Those That Don't Know About It and Those Whose Equipment Isn't Worthy | |
Comparing AMSOIL to the Competition | |
Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake Test (ASTM D-4742)
The superior oxidation stability of AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil allows it to effectively resist the formation of engine deposits and sludge, keeping engines running clean and efficient and extending oil life. It also resists thickening, maintaining its superior wear protection and lubricating properties and maximizing fuel efficiency. Click here for API Sequence III F test results. | |
NOACK Volatility Test (ASTM D-5800)
As shown in the graph, AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil outperformed its nearest competitor by over 30%. The extremely low volatility of AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil allows it to maintain its superior protective and performance qualities throughout extended drain intervals. In addition, oil consumption and emissions are minimized and fuel efficiency is maximized. Click here for API Sequence III F test results. | |
The Pour Point Test (ASTM D-97)
The low pour point of AMSOIL 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil allows it to maintain its fluidity in extremely low temperatures, reducing drag on moving vehicle parts, providing critical engine components with quick, essential lubrication and easing startup in cold temperatures. Wear is substantially reduced and equipment life is extended. Click here for API Sequence III F test results. Note: AMSOIL 0W 30 pour point is -54°C (-65°F) and is better than the grade illustrated above. | |
(TBN) Total Base Number Test (ASTM D-2896)
The higher a motor oil's TBN, the more effective it is in suspending wear-causing contaminants and reducing the corrosive effects of acids over an extended period of time. As shown in the graph, AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil has the highest TBN of the tested oils. The high TBN of AMSOIL Synthetic 10W-30 Motor Oil allows it to effectively combat wear-causing contaminants and acids, providing superior protection and performance over extended drain intervals. Click here for API Sequence III F test results. | |
More Real Life Illustration of the Above Mentioned Properties | |
See the difference!
Isn't it about time you learned the truth? Click Here to Learn what the auto manufacturers and your "friendly" dealership doesn't want you to know about AMSOIL synthetic motor oil for your vehicle's engine. | |