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Silicone Spray (ALS)

 Silicone Spray (ALS)
Product Code: ALS • Brand: AMSOIL

*** This item is available for US customers only ***

AMSOIL Silicone Spray protects with a dry lubricating film ideal for surfaces that may be damaged by conventional lubricants such as grease or oil. AMSOIL Silicone Spray also helps prevent the cracking and drying of rubber and locks out moisture. It will not attract dust or dirt, keeping applications contaminant-free.

Package sizes include:

10-oz. Spray Can
10-oz. Spray Cans (case of 12)

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MSDS Data Sheet

Product Details

Product Description

AMSOIL Silicone Spray provides outstanding lubrication protection for rubber, nylon, plastics, upholstery, vinyl, wood, cardboard, fiberglass and other nonmetal surfaces.

AMSOIL Silicone Spray features a special nonstaining formula, making it excellent for waterproofing leather boots, shoes, jackets, suede and more. For leather and sensitive surfaces, initially apply to a small area. Silicone Spray will not damage leather but may slightly alter the color or hue.

Performance Features

• Formulated for use on nonmetal surfaces (and metal surfaces that come in contact with nonmetal surfaces)
• Leaves a clear, odorless, nonstaining film
• Helps prevent rubber cracking and drying
• Locks out water


This product is not expected to cause health concerns when used for the intended application and according to the recommendations in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Click here to view the MSDS Data Sheet for AMSOIL ALS.

Keep out of the reach of children. Don't pollute. Return used oil to collection centers.

 Silicone Spray (ALS)

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