Sharing the Miles Together Haywood Gray and His AMSOIL Legacy Way Back When the Old Stuff Was New, Haywood Gray began using AMSOIL Synthetic Heavy-Duty Diesel and Marine 15W-40 Motor Oil (AME) in the E9-400 V-8 engine of his first truck, a 1984 MackŪ, after the engine accumulated 45,000 miles. For 280,000 miles, Gray changed his oil at 40,000- to 60,000-mile intervals even though his oil analysis reports showed, without exception, that the oil was good for continued use. At 325,000 miles Gray increased his oil drain interval to 100,000 miles. The engine was torn down at 600,000 miles when Gray decided to sell the truck. The cylinder liners, bearings, pistons, rings and oil pump, which were all treated to extended oil drain intervals with AMSOIL, were found to be in excellent condition. Gray continued using AMSOIL AME in the engine of his new truck, a 1990 MackŪ with an E7-400 engine. He also determined that the new truck would also be the start of a new oil draining program. He decided that instead of using his previous 100,000-mile oil change guidelines, he would base his oil drains on the findings of a used oil analysis program. He also installed an AMSOIL By-Pass Filtration system. After 630,000 miles total and 409,000 miles without an oil change, the E7-400 engine was torn down by the local MackŪ dealership in December 1996 and its parts were examined by an engine rater from a major oil additive manufacturer. What the team found was surprising to everyone - except perhaps Haywood Gray. The engine showed light to moderate wear throughout, just as an engine in similar service and lubricated with conventional oil changed at 15,000- to 20,000-mile intervals would show. In fact, according to the engine rater, the parts he examined - cylinder liners, pistons, rings, bearings, valve train components - could have been put right back in the engine and would have continued to provide the good, dependable service they had provided all along. And all this after 409,000 miles without an oil change! What's Woody Doing Now?
Gray likes to point out that his fuel mileage is a constant 7 mpg, while other truckers travelling under similar circumstances and with similar equipment average only 5.5 to 6 mpg. But he also knows that's just one of the many benefits AMSOIL has to offer. And if you have time, he might be able to tell you a thing or two about extended drain intervals. |